Wine Uncorked!

From the serious wine lover, to the novice wanting to learn more …
and anyone in between …. 

Wanderer Wines offers tours and functions that appeal to a cross-section of people. We realise that not all people are the same and furthermore have different interests and for that reason we are able to deliver and meet client expectations.

Wine ToursWine Tours 
Tours are developed around your interests. Red wine, Bordeaux blends, Rose, Cap Classique, boutique wineries, Cheese and wine, Noble Rot…. the list is endless so tell us what you like and we will share our knowledge and expertise with you.

Group ToursGroup Tours  
We cater for larger sized groups, without compromising quality and service delivery.

home3.jpgPrivate functions 
Weddings, birthdays, corporate conferences – you never need an excuse to enjoy wine, so this is no different! Watch your wine specialist perform Sabrage!

home4.jpgPrivate Tastings 
You know your wine and you don’t want to waste time getting to the best wines SA has to offer. Enjoy a private tasting with your specialist focusing on terroir, viti- or viniculture. Here’s your opportunity to enjoy a Vertical or Horizontal tasting (and no, we don’t mean on your back!)

home5.jpgCape Based Tours  
We offer all Cape related tours such as Cape Point, Cultural Tours, City Tours, Hermanus, Garden Route.

home6.gifRest of SA & Safari’s 
We have experienced travel partners who are ready to put together an unforgettable holiday to any one of our superb destinations, including Safari Game Parks.


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