Vintage Guide

Hot and fast season, ending with rain and lower temperatures.  Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz to watch.

Quality across the board, especially Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc.  Full bodied Shiraz with excellent longevity.

A  dry winter and intense heatwave during harvest saw a reduced crop which resulted in concentrated flavours and intense colours. Careful selection is recommended.

A long harvest that resulted in elegant wines with great maturation potential.  This vintage is characterised by lower alcohols and soft tannins.

Outstanding vintage, especially for red wines.  Full-bodied structure and complexity.

A vintage hampered by disease and harvest heat temperatures.  Individual cellars excel.

High alcohol wines and concentrated flavours resulting from a hot, dry, disease-free vintage.

Hot vintage resulting in concentrated reds.  Reduced crop.  Individual cellars recommended.



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