Sphere Foods Announces Opening of South Africa office

Seattle, November 1, 2011:  Sphere Foods today announced the opening of their Cape Town office in South Africa and the appointment of Catherine Dillon as their South African representative.

SPHERE FOODS is a resourceful, solution orientated company providing customers with premium quality processed vegetables and fruits. With two decades in the industry Sphere Foods has earned a strong reputation for exceptional customer service in Europe, North and South America.

In line with the company’s commitment to establishing and maintaining sound relationships with local and global producers, Jerry Smith, President of Sphere Foods said, “We are enthused about opening this office, recognizing the opportunities that exist for South African producers and global partners alike. We are globally positioned to provide outstanding service delivery and solutions through technology and best practice.”

Newly appointed SA agent / representative, Catherine Dillon, born and raised in Cape Town, is a Cape Wine Master. Key to her appointment is her understanding and knowledge of wine, juice concentrates and commodities such as colorants that are invaluable to the wine industry. 

Dillon said, “I am excited to be part of a new chapter in the history of Sphere Foods and to have a range of products that will appeal to the South African wine industry and agricultural sector”. Likewise, the South African market offers global partners access to quality products, whilst encouraging innovation locally.”

sphere foods-USA                                               sphere foods-South Africa 

32508 W Kelly Road                                        Suite 119, PBag X12

Benton City WA 99320                                     Tokai, 7966, Cape Town, South Africa

Office: 206.329.8255                                       Office: (+27)828781176   

Fax:  206.329.8256                                          Fax: (+27) 0866480352

www.spherefoods.com                                      www.spherefoods.com


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