Cape Town to Seattle

Leaving Cape Town in the rain on Sunday prepared my arrival in Seattle on Monday afternoon – grey, drizzly, but strangely familiar - reminiscent of time spent in London.  My flight via Paris was good overall, but lets face it there is no short way of getting to the States so the jet-lag may kick in anytime.

After a good night’s rest in Seattle, Jerry and I headed  to Pike Street Market for a coffee and croissant fix.  The market offers everything from fresh fish, crabs and prawns included, to flowers and cherries.  Our next stop was Whole Foods to collect a pre-ordered Turkey for Thanksgiving dinner – 28 pounds made it an impressive bird.

We headed out of Seattle bound for Columbia Valley, home to several well-known AVA’s, including Yakima, Walla Walla andRed Mountain.  Our three hour drive took us on the snowy Snoqualmie Pass, which fortunately remained open as conditions worsened and we were forced to drive at 20miles/hour.  Upon reaching the summit (3200ft) we were relieved to leave behind the windy, snowy conditions and several vehicles that had become stuck – no doubt they would receive a traffic fine for not having chains on their wheels, as is mandatory.

My trip to Washington State is all business related, but includes visits to several wineries in Yakima Valley, Walla Walla and Red Mountain.  Over the next few days I hope to discover more Washington State gems – the climate and terroir of the area offers purity of fruit, balanced with natural acidity.  Add to this careful oaking and you have palate pleasing wines.

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