That Was Then…


“Modern diners have practically dispensed with the old custom of serving a different wine with each course.  To-day the fashion varies.  In some houses it is customary to serve a glass of dry sherry with the soup and to follow it with either white or red wine.  

Strictly speaking, white wine should accompany white meat (this includes poultry) and red wine, red meat, although in South Africa there is a marked preference for white wine regardless of the meat course.  This choice is influenced by our summer heat.  South African champagnes, if properly chilled, are also very palatable and can be served in place of wine.  It is never considered correct to put ice in any kind of wine.  White wine and champagne should be well chilled before they are brought to the table, and red wine must be served at room temperature.  Port or claret after the meal is not as popular as it used to be, and many people prefer to serve brandy or liqueurs with the coffee”.

 The above extract comes out of The Royal Hostess, South Africa’s Own Cook book, published in 1953.  Fifty-six years on, I think we can say that food and wine have evolved, although the bit about ice in the wine is still very much a South African habit.  I have close friends who routinely add their beloved ice, irrespective of time of day.  Would I dare speak out about it?  No, friendship is worth more than a couple of blocks of ice.    xmas-line.gif

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