Avontuur Wine Estate

Avontuur Estate between Stellenbosch and Somerset West is a avontuur.jpgproperty to visit this winter.The popular restaurant on the Estate is open for breakfast and lunch daily and offers well-priced, beautifully presented meals in front of the fireplace.

Mid-week lunches will never be the same again with the restaurant’s avont-red.jpg “Terrific Tuesdays”.  With every two main meals and a bottle of Avontuur wine purchased per table, diners receive a free bottle of wine to take home. 

On Wednesdays and Fridays, strictly between 17h30 and 18h30 enjoy a warming fire-side supper at R85 for 2 courses and R105 for 3 courses. 

The estate tasting room  is offering a 6-pack of Avontuur Vintner’s Red 2004 for R150 per case.  The wine is smooth and easy-drinking and perfect for casual evenings with friends around the braai. This offer is valid until 31 July or whilst stocks last and through the tasting room only.

To make restaurant bookings contact 021-8554296 or email openhand@polka.co.za . 

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