The Tasting Room @ Le Quartier Francais

If you are looking for a food and wine experience that is worldclass then indulge at The Tasting Room, Le Quartier Francais, Franschhoek.

Award-winning chef Margot Janse and her team will delight margot-janse.jpgwith outstanding culinary delights.  Guests can choose a four, six or eight course dining experience from a constantly evolving menu. Bookings essential. Dinners Only – Mon – Sun.

4-6 Course Menu (Full menu NOT listed)

Chilled sweet corn and truffle souptasting-room.jpg
Mulderbosch – Steen op Hout chenin blanc 2008

Lemon poached crayfish tail, prawn wafer, marshmallow
Graham Beck brut

Yellow fin tuna, red pepper and cashew terrine, niçoise vinaigrette, aїoli
Stony Brook reserve cask selection semillon 2007

Tasting of foie gras, cranberry and smoked whisky dressing
Cederberg bukettraube 2008

Crisp pork belly, porchetta, cabbage and apricot chutney, ginger pomme puree, avocado foam
Bellingham – maverick chenin blanc 2006

Magret duck breast, black cherry spätzle, prawn, black pepper jus
Rupert & Rothschild classique 2006

Tomato sabayon, parmesan sorbet, parma ham, basil
Môreson chardonnay 2007

Smoked goats cheese mousse, peated whiskey sorbet, blueberries
Pinehurst rosé 2007

Gingered watermelon, chai spiced sushi, berry and orange
Simonsig gewürztraminer 2008

Amarula panna cotta, smoked fudge foam, espresso sherbet, macadamia
Stony Brook v on a – natural sweet viognier 2006

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