On a recent tour of Vic Falls the beautiful rainbow linking Zimbabwe with Zambia reminded me of previous visits to the town of Victoria Falls and I was struck by the symbolism of the rainbow – the shifting of the pot of gold.
Whilst Vic Falls sleeps, the main street of Livingstone is in continual development with familiar brands like Spar and Ocean Basket welcoming southern African travellers and international tourists alike.  Along the Zambezi riverfront, where the African Queen departs daily for Sundowner Cruises, I counted four new lodges under construction.Â
Tourism provides the platform for economic and social development and eco-tourism has brought opportunities and upliftment to locals in out-of-reach places. New lodges built or game reserves opened create opportunities for conservation on a wider platform, notably the conservation of man and southern Africa’s challenge and management of HIV/Aids. Through fundraising and awareness HIV/Aids has and continues to be managed. Fundraising aside, it is a known fact that for every six tourists visiting southern Africa, one job on average, is created.
Yes, the pot of gold has certainly arrived in Livingstone.