Wine Service Course in Southern Suburbs

A wine service course is available in the southern suburbs at the Wanderer Wines training facility, located at Westlake Business Park.

quill-013.jpgThe course is offered on two consecutive mornings from 09h00 – 13h00 or as a Fullday course and includes both theory and practical application.  The focus is on wine service within the hospitality industry and includes styles of wine, glassware, presentation of wine and etiquette in respect of service delivery, wine selection and recommendations.  Food and wine pairings are also covered in the course.

The course is an official Cape Wine Academy course which includes an exam and assessment of 6 assignments.  Successful candidates will be presented with a certificate upon passing the exam and completing assignments.

This course is ideal for those wishing to enter the hospitality industry on a full or part-time basis and wishing to improve their knowledge of wine and confidence in wine service delivery. 

The cost of the course is R575.00 per person and includes an official course handbook and wines .  For information on class dates and times and to reserve your place, contact Catherine on 021- 7886850 or email .


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