Durbanville Boutique Winemakers Association

A large number of small-scale wine producers of Durbanville recently joined forces to introduce their boutique wines to the public through the creation of the Durbanville Boutique Winemakers Association (DBWA).Karin de Villiers was elected chairperson with Henk Rossouw as treasurer and Natasha Diedericks as secretary.

The aim of the DBWA is to make their wines available at central sales venues where wine lovers can taste and purchase their unique range of wines. The group also strives to promote the Durbanville wine region as home to top-quality, handmade wines from small producers. According to Karin de Villiers, the wines of the small-scale wine producers are of exceptional quality, including Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinotage, a number of Bordeaux and Rhone blends and even a sparkling wine in the age-old tradition of Champagne.

The participating producers are De Vallei, Domain de Teijger, Eureka, Four Fields Vineyards, Hermit on the Hill, Klein Roosboom, Nomada, Phizante Kraal, Russo Wines, Signal Gun, Vin de Francois, Welbeloond and Westerdal.

A website with online order facilities and many exciting projects are also in the pipeline. Wine producers who are interested in joining this initiative may contact Natasha Diedericks at of the public who would like to have the opportunity to taste the wines are invited to contact Carin Stewart / Magdaleen Kroon on telephone number 082 664 0572 or e-mail

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