Freighting of wine

Wine Sales in South Africa have been affected by aviation laws that limit and restrict items carried on board aircrafts. Rules restricting the amount of Liquids, Aerosols and Gels that passengers are allowed to take on board in their hand luggage are collectively referred to as LAG’s.  These rules took effect in the EU and USA after 9/11 and SA started enforcing these international aviation safety regulations on 1 June 2007.

The result is that there has been a drop in cellar door sales, with visitors just not wanting to pack away wine in main luggage.  Unfortunately, the duty free option is more than disappointing, with a limited range of wines that interest and a price tag that screams “rip off”. 

Enter the option of freighting your wine home, either door to door or door to airport.  This option is not without expense, but the peace of mind that comes with it ensures that our visitors get the wine they want and receive it back home intact.

What you should know about freighting wine:

  • 14% VAT is deducted from wine purchased through wine freighting companies
  • You do have a choice of door-door OR door-airport and the costs differ
  • The shipment will be insured

When touring the winelands I am confident in recommending Vineyard Connection to my clients as staff members are experienced in both wine sales and wine freighting.  Furthermore, they stock a superb range of SA wines. 



021 – 8844360




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