Bigger Harvest is Music to the Ears of the Orange River Wine Region

The wine grape harvest in the lower Orange River Region has recovered after two below average years, with the 2013 harvest poised to be a very good one in terms of volumes and quality. 
The size of the 2011 harvest was heavily affected by the some of the region’s worst floods in decades, and last year’s grape yields continued to be below average due to the fact that flood-ravaged vineyards were still struggling to recover from the damage inflicted.

According to Henning Burger, Manager of Viticultural Services at Orange River Cellars, the current harvest season appears to be meeting everyone’s high expectations.  “Although the official combined harvest estimate of our six cellars – Upington, Keimoes, Kanoneiland, Kakamas, Groblershoop and Grootdrink – is just over 135 000, we are hoping that the final total will be closer to the 140 000 mark,” says Burger.

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