Hanepoot picking at De Krans

During the month of February De Krans Wine Cellar, situated in the quaint little town of Calitzdorp alongside the well known Route 62, will once again be offering visitors to the area the opportunity to pick delectably sweet Hanepoot grapes.  This fun-filled picking experience will take place from 10 to 27 February and will be made available every day (except Sundays) from 08h00 until 16h00.

Grapes cost R4.50/kg and visitors are welcome to bring their own containers. Alternatively containers can be purchased at De Krans at a minimal cost.

Picking grapes can lead to visitors working up a hefty appetite, and to cater for this need Vygieshof Home for the Aged will be offering delicious braaivleis meals on Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 10h30 and 14h00. As these meals have proven to be extremely popular in the past booking is essential, and only costs R45 per person.

Besides picking their own grapes, a visit to De Krans, the Champion Cellar of the 2009 Southern Cape Bottled Wine Show, also affords visitors the opportunity to sample, at no extra cost, their range of 2009 award-winning wines. One of these is the De Krans Pink Port, the first of its kind to be launched in South Africa and a gold winner at the 2009 Michelangelo Wine Awards.

For bookings and further enquiries contact Helet or Bessie at De Krans on 044 213 3314/64 or dekrans@mweb.co.za

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