Welgemeend Harvest Festival

Welgemeend Wine Estate is holding it’s first Harvest Festival on Saturday 5 April 2008, from 10h00  - 14h00.

Relax with the beautiful view of the Simonsberg as you sample classic French-styled red wines.  This occasion also marks the official release of the 2002 & 2003 vintages.There will be various wine related items on display and for sale, such as corkscrews and display cases.  Take advantage of case specials.Wander through the cellar as the winemaking process is explained and test your knowledge by identifying the 2008 fermenting wine. For the more adventurous Dynax Quad Bikes will have a working demonstration, whilst the kiddies  enjoy the tractor rides and Jumping Castle. Entrance is free, but there is a charge of R10 for a Welgemeend wine tasting glass www.welgemeend.co.za  Tel +27(21) 875 5210  

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