Africa is the new China

Troy Christensen, chief executive of Accolade Wines, believes Africa is going to be the next China in terms of emerging economies to watch.

Speaking at the opening seminar at Cape Wine 2012, Christensen told of how all eyes will be on Africa in the coming years.

“Africa is going to be the next China. As China’s economy continues to slow, Africa has a great opportunity to become one of the world’s leading emerging economies and a sustainable driver of economic growth,” he said.

“The Chileans and Australians are putting teams in place in Africa to sell their wines there.

“The South African wine industry has the quality, people and the products to succeed, now it just needs to get the story out there in the US and China,” he added.

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About Alyson Riches

Alyson has been a Tourist Guide for the 11 years and is a registered National Guide. She regularly leads tours to Botswana, Namibia and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Alyson grew up in Zimbabwe and shares her love of the bush with family and friends. Alyson loves photography, having been privileged to have attended two of the Canadian Photographer, Freeman Patterson’s Workshops at Gamieskroon in the Northern Cape. Fynbos, shopping, art and wine are areas that Alyson enjoys whilst showing Tourists the attractions of the Cape.

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