Monthly Archives: November 2011

Walla Walla Wine Country

Our Saturday was spent visiting the town and  wine area of Walla Walla, located 13 miles from the Oregon border.  Leaving Yakima Valley, it was about an hour’s drive, I think – I did not time the drive, there was so much to take in and besides our unofficial wine guide, […]

Thanksgiving weekend

This was my first experience of Thanksgiving and it felt so familiar – no doubt all the American movies I have watched.  The gathering of friends and family to give thanks for what we have is a tradition going back to the arrival of Pilgrims, having survived harsh conditions and been blessed […]

Cape Town to Seattle

Leaving Cape Town in the rain on Sunday prepared my arrival in Seattle on Monday afternoon – grey, drizzly, but strangely familiar - reminiscent of time spent in London.  My flight via Paris was good overall, but lets face it there is no short way of getting to the States so the jet-lag […]