Cape Point Vineyards have raised R35 000.00 in the past year through the sale of their Splattered Toad range of wines. This range of wine was launched last November in support of the Toad Nuts – Noordhoek Unpaid Toad Savers!Â
The Western Leopard Toad is an endangered species and at this time of year they start leaving the pond in search of food and shelter in gardens within one kilometre of the breeding pond. They will carry on hiking until they have found a suitable spot with not many of their siblings around them to reduce competition for food and shelter.Â
During the breeding season, volunteers assist by moving the toads off the roads as they make their way to the breeding ponds. Volunteers range from conservation officers to housewives, lawyers, teachers, private law enforcement – anyone with a passion and care for the future of this endangered species.Â
- Please check your swimming pools every morning for toadlets, especially after rain.
- Check courtyards/walled obstacles where they can get stuck (and die in the sun).
- Check gutters and drainpipes where they fall down and can’t get out.
- Check driveways when they are migrating so as not to run them over as you drive out (only during rain).
- Put a rock at the step of your pool and a piece of polystyrene in your pool sump.
- Remove your pool skimmer for the next month or two.
- Don’t mow your grass for the next month, especially on rainy days.
- Throw some veggie scraps in your garden… at this size, they eat the tiny mites that eat the veggies.
- Lay piles of wood in your garden. This creates shelter from the heat as well as food (the mites that eat the decaying wood).
- Install a toadsaver on a sunny day.
 Well done CPV in supporting and sustaining local biodiversity!