The Michael Fridjhon Wine Experience Weekend 2010


Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th September 2010   *   Hyatt Regency Johannesburg

France’s 1855 Classification of the wines of the Bordeaux region of Medoc – devised by the Syndicate of Brokers for the 1855 Universal Exposition of Paris – is probably the most enduring codification of wine quality ever produced.  Unlike many of the quality assessments of the preceding two centuries, the 1855 Classification – with its ranking of Bordeaux properties in importance from First to Fifth Growths – did not remain a pricing index, but became enshrined in French culture as a gauge of a chateau’s reputation and standing in the region.

It is not often that even the most dedicated claret drinker gets to compare the top wines of the region in a line-up that eliminates all the variables except terroir. The 2010 Michael Fridjhon Wine Experience will see all five First Growths of the Medoc as well as Chateau d’Yquem (the only First Great Growth of Sauternes) – all from the same wonderful 1989 vintage, and therefore all at their plateau of maturity – as the wine line-up for the keynote tasting. Other Cru classé wines – including Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1989 and Chateau Suduiraut 1989 – will accompany the gala dinner – so that by the end of the evening it really will be possible to have a true sense of the Bordeaux hierarchy.

The Louis Roederer Champagne Brunch the next day will continue the tradition that has made this session a favourite among wine lovers. This year’s most noteworthy innovation will be the inclusion of a special course designed to complement the service of Louis Roederer Cristal 2002 – and it is expected to add a further element of excitement to the already splendid occasion.

The General Manager of the Hyatt Regency Johannesburg, Yann Gillet, has been an avid supporter of the wine weekend. For him, for his staff, and for the chefs’ brigade led by an international guest chef to cook the menu planned over several months in food trials conducted with Michael Fridjhon, it is an inspirational occasion.
Date:       Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th September 2010
Venue:    Hyatt Regency Johannesburg

Sessions and Times:
Saturday Benchmark Tasting and Dinner – registration at 18h30

Sunday Louis Roederer Champagne Brunch – registration at 10h15


Saturday Benchmark Tasting and Dinner only:            R4 950-00

Sunday Louis Roederer Champagne Brunch only:     R1 575-00

Full Weekend Package:    R6 500-00

(Early Bird package of R5 950-00 for bookings made by June 25)

Discounted rates for group bookings available.
For more information and to receive a booking form:

OutSorceress Marketing, Monica Mountjoy. Email or telephone: 011 482 5936.

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